MicrosoftがHTML5からcanvas 2Dの仕様からの分離を提案。


HTML5watcher RT @p_g_: RT @t_trace: MSがCanvasHTML5から外そうよって提案してる。してる。 RT @tweetmeme Microsoft Wants to Separat…

HTML5watcher RT @HenrikJoreteg: Microsoft wants canvas removed from HTML5 [...]would reduce the need for Silverlight via @fak3r @jen…



Microsoft Wants to Separate the Canvas 2D API from HTML5
マイクロソフトHTML5からCanvas 2D APIを分離することを求めている。
In an e-mail sent to the mailing list on Wednesday, Microsoft's Eliot Graf proposed removing the Canvas element, which is used to create complex vector animations in the browser without plug-ins, from the HTML5 specification. Graf also proposed launching a new, separate specification for the Canvas 2D API.
この水曜日、一通のe-mailがpublic-html@w3.orgのメーリングリストに送られた。マイクロソフトのEliot GrafCanvas要素の削除を要求している。それはHTML5の仕様で、ブラウザ内で、複雑なベクターアニメーションをプラグインなしで生成するのに使用される。Grafはまた、Canvas 2D APIのための、新しく、独立した仕様を検討することを提案した。
His e-mail:

In his mail describing why he created a separate Canvas 2D API specification, Doug Schepers wrote [1]:
かれのメールには、なぜ彼がCanvas 2D APIを分離しようと大騒ぎ(created)しているのか記述されている。Doug Schepers wrote [1]:
Doug Schepersは、(HTML5仕様から)分離したCanvas 2D API仕様を作成した理由を記したメールにおいて、次のように書いた:

There is a chance that currently Canvas could be a blocker on progress for the HTML5 spec, and at this point, Canvas is so widely implemented that I don't think it's at risk, so I hope this isn't disruptive.
CanvasHTML5仕様の進行を妨げる可能性があるが、現時点でCanvasは広く実装されているので、そのような危険はないと考える。よってこれ(Canvas 2D API仕様のHTML5からの分離)が混乱を招くことはないと期待する。
I am available to help with any editing that needs doing, but I hope that others will also work with this draft, and step into the editor role.

At Microsoft, we agree with the sentiments expressed by Doug, Maciej [2], and others about creating a separate Canvas 2D API specification.
 マイクロソフトは、Doug, Maciej [2]の意見に賛同する。そして他方、Canvas 2D APIの仕様書を切り離すことを提案する。
Microsoftは、DougとMaciej、そして分離したCanvas 2D API仕様を作成する他の人々の言葉に賛同する。
[3] We are prepared to offer editorial resources to aid in the completion of this separate specification.
We have looked over Doug's initial document, made some editorial enhancements, and are prepared to follow through in taking feedback and maintaining the specification.
We believe that some sort of accessibility API functionality is needed in the canvas element.
However, the exact nature and depth of that functionality presents a dilemma that may block progress on the HTML5 spec.
We also think that the Canvas 2D API may be a desirable feature used in other technologies such as SVG.
私たちはまた、Canvas 2D APISVG等、他の技術の使用が望ましいと考えている。
Starting with Doug Schepers' initial draft, we made changes to get the document to adhere to the W3C PubRules [4], enhance readability, and improve logical flow of the document.
 Dougの最初の原稿から始まり、私たちがドキュメントに変更を加えることは、W3C PubRules [4]に反しない。可読性を高め、文書の論理的な流れを改善する。
In addition, we foresee adding sample code throughout the specification, where appropriate.
No normative changes have been made.
As with all drafts, the Canvas 2D API specification is still a work in progress.
すべての下書き他の草案と同様に、キャンバス2D APIの仕様はまだ進行中の作業中である。
We would like to solicit feedback about the changes that were made (see below TODO) and about further changes that the working group would like to see.
Our updated version is published at


Microsoft Internet Explorer is the only modern browser with no plans to support CanvasFirefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera all do.
Microsoft Internet Explorer は、モダンブラウザの中では唯一、Canvas要素をサポートする計画を持っていない(Firefox, Chrome, Safari 及び Opera は全てサポートしている)。
Redmond's opposition makes sense, as the animation capabilities Canvas provides would conflict with Microsoft's plans to speed adoption of its Silverlight platform, which affords web authors many of the same capabilities using a proprietary plug-in and commercial development software.
Several list members pointed out that if Microsoft has the resources to author the spec independent of HTML5, those resources could be better spent building support for Canvas into the browser.
A follow-up response from Ian Hickson, a Google employee who is the primary editor of the HTML5 spec, points out a few clear problems with this strategy and stresses that it doesn't seem list a good idea:
Googleの社員で、HTML5仕様の主要な作者であるIan Hicksonからの返信では、この戦略と圧力が持つ、いくつかの明確な問題を指摘した。

IF we’re going to split out the 2D API ― and I'm not really sure if at this point that's something we should do, frankly ― then I would much rather we do it based on the text in the HTML5 spec now, and would much rather we have an editor who is able to give this the full-time attention that it needs.
もしも2D APIを削除した場合、−率直に言って、私はこの時点で何をすればよいのか本当に分からない。−もし2D APIを分離するなら――率直に言って、現時点でそれは私たちがすべきことなのか、私には定かでない――私はむしろ現在のHTML5の仕様に基づいて行い、むしろ私たちはそのニーズに、これはフルタイムの関心をを提供できるエディタを持っている。
However, I'm really not sure at this point that it even makes sense to extract the API anymore.
The API intergrates pretty tightly with the rest of HTML, for example it refers to HTMLVideoElements, the HTML5 “structured clone” feature is defined in terms of canvas interfaces, and so on.
There would have to be a two-way reference, which would be a maintenance nightmare, and which would just delay the progress of both documents.
What are the problems that we are trying to solve by splitting out the API at this point?

The whole thread, which is still growing, can be viewed here.
What do you think? What’s Microsoft up to?



10/25 9:00 nanto_viさん、ありがとうございます。どう訳したらよいのかかなり苦しんでいたので助かりました。
10/27 20:00 新しい情報が入りました。マイクロソフトがHTML5仕様からCanvas要素を外すように提案、しかし一刀両断に... - Publickey(chachakiさんのTwitter経由。)